Configuring Components in .NET: Do it the Microsoft way

Introduction In the world of .NET development, configuring components is a crucial aspect of creating applications. Most .Net developers are probably familiar with the IHostBuilder to configure your application and request pipeline. In this blog post, we will delve into the IHostBuilder, understand how it relies on Action<T> for configuring components, and learn how you can implement a similar approach to build components that are very easy to configure.
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Prevent valid messages from being rejected by AWS Lambda

Partial batch response is a feature of AWS Lambda that allows you to signal which messages in a batch were not processed successfully. This prevents all messages in a single batch from being rejected when an error occurs during the processing of a single message.
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Configuring your .Net applications

Configuration is a crucial aspect of any software application. It allows developers to separate application logic from its configuration, making it easier to manage, maintain, and deploy the application. In .NET applications, configuration is typically managed using the ConfigurationManager class, which can be used to make settings from different sources available to your application. The order in which these sources are registered is important because your application starts, it loads the configuration providers in the order they are configured.
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